Keynote Speaker: Min Chen, Oxford University
    Title: Four Levels of Visualization
    Abstract: In this talk, the speaker will examine the objectives of visualization at four different levels, namely, 1. disseminative, 2. observational, 3. analytical and 4. model-developmental levels. A widespread understanding is Level 1, while a common omission is Level 4, which is the latest hot topic in visual analytics. The speaker will use several visualization applications (including some works by Chinese researchers) to illustrate the different emphases of these four levels, and offer an answer to the elusive question "what is visualization really for?"
    Bio: Min Chen developed his academic career in Wales between 1984 and 2011. He is currently the professor of scientific visualization at Oxford University and a fellow of Pembroke College. His research interests include visualization, computer graphics and human-computer interaction. He has co-authored some 200 publications, including his recent contributions in areas such as theory of visualization, video visualization, visual analytics, and perception and cognition in visualization. He has worked on a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary research topics, ranging from the sciences to sports, and from digital humanities to cybersecurity. His services to the research community include papers co-chair of IEEE Visualization 2007 and 2008, Eurographics 2011, IEEE VAST 2014 and 2015; co-chair of Volume Graphics 1999 and 2006, EuroVis 2014; associate editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics; and co-director of Wales Research Institute of Visual Computing. He is currently an editor-in-chief of Computer Graphics Forum. He is a fellow of British Computer Society, European Computer Graphics Association, and Learned Society of Wales.

    摘要:全球科学研究已进入大科学时代, 科学问题的范围、规模、复杂性不断扩大,投资巨大、系统复杂、覆盖面广且国际化特征明显的科学装置和观测设施成为产生海量复杂科学大数据的主要源泉,科学数据格式呈现的多样性带来了对可视化的挑战。本报告将基于对科学装置和观测设施的设计和运行以及科学数据的可视化表现形式进行案例分析,给出可视化分析在大科学时代辅助科学发现的重要作用和意义。
    个人简介: 廖方宇,研究员,现任中国科学院网信领导小组成员、中国科学院计算机网络信息中心主任。担任院十三五信息化工程总体负责人、国家发改委促进大数据发展重大工程−科学大数据公共服务平台与创新应用示范项目负责人、中国科学院面向2035年战略规划中的“数据与计算”平台的论证组长等。兼任大数据分析与计算国家地方工程实验室主任、《信息网络安全》杂志编委、计算机安全专业委员会副主任、中国互联网协会副理事长、中国信息协会特约副会长、CODATA中委会副主席等。曾荣获国家科技进步一等奖和北京市科技进步二等奖。